
So then, who’s booking into January 2011?

We’re now planning the first few weeks of next January, which is fantastic news for us. This time last year I wasn’t able to be so positive. But this year has seen a marked improvement and we’re now able to make a good positive start into 2011.

Lead levels have surprisingly picked up this last week or so. I’ve had more leads so far this month than October. Usually you would expect that to be the other way round, but I’m not complaining! 

The big question is how do we start pricing up current contracts? If we sign up jobs right at the end of this year at the current VAT rate, do we pay the same to our suppliers? Or do we start charging at the new VAT rate? I’m unsure about this myself. So far what I’ve sold I’ve managed to squeeze in before the end of the year. But others have sold jobs for after the New Year.

Anyone else finding themselves in the same situation?