This year marks the 350th anniversary of one of the industry’s biggest glass companies, Saint-Gobain. Let me take this opportunity to congratulate the company on such a long history on what is traditionally a very competitive area of the market, especially when global market conditions remain as up and down as they are right now.

To celebrate this achievement, Saint-Gobain produced and released a rather funky video graphic on YouTube:

Not many businesses in any sector, never mind our sector, can claim to have such a long, rich history as Saint-Gobain do. To give a comparison, the other behemoth glass company, Pilkington, was formed in 1826, giving the business a 189 year history, which in itself is huge, but just shows you the gap between the two companies.

Just think about the history Saint-Gobain has witnessed as it has meandered it’s way through the 350 years they have been in business. Well, we don’t actually have to sit and think about it as Saint-Gobain has created their own little time line for us to read which explains their history. Click here to browse through it.

SG screenshot

Source: Saint-Gobain

We are so busy in our own little worlds that its easy to forget about some of the giants we have in our industry. It is companies like these, the ones that have been around for hundreds of years, that are the ones to thank for the innovations, technologies and products that we all take for granted when we step inside people’s homes to try and make our own living. What we’re selling in fact, is 350 years of discovery, hard work, innovation and invention, not just glass.

So hats off to Saint-Gobain. Here’s to the next 350 years!