This page is dedicated specifically for people who want to talk about the positive things going on in the industry. I encourage people to leave comments talking about anything positive. It could be that you’ve had a record breaking month for sales or leads. It could be that phones have been busier taking new inquiries. I want people to leave positive comments and messages about anything they like.
We need to create a positive atmosphere within the industry. We have started 2012 on a pretty good note despite the predicted doom and gloom and I think it’s vitally important we have a place where we can talk about the positive things happening in our industry and within our own companies. I encourage all companies and all individuals to take part and spread the positive stuff!
One thing this page won’t be however will be a place for advertising new products. There are already facilities for that i.e. magazines. I want this page to be a place to promote a positive attitude within the industry. I hope to see lots of good news on here!