In a brand new poll on DGB, I want to explore how much Insurance Backed Guarantees play in your business. As many of you will already know, being part of a self-certification scheme, like Certass or others, part of the requirement is providing clients with an IBG. This makes sure the homeowner is protected should the unthinkable happen and the installer goes out of business.
I appreciate many of you reading this have been doing this for years, indeed long before it became a mandatory requirement. But as is often the case with things that have always been, they can fade into the background of the running of any business and the pros and USPs of such a thing can be overlooked. This is why I want to understand how front-of-mind IBGs are within the industry and rediscover the selling points of having protection like this.
This is the purpose of the poll below. To ascertain how active IBGs are in the selling process and whether or not homeowners are aware of them and if they are requesting to know more about them during the sales process.
This is a short poll, six questions only. As always, the more that take part the better the results will be!
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Given that the original Everest were GGF members, how many of their customers found that they didn’t have the IBG cover they should have had?