Building Our Skills is making an appeal – please get involved.

Building Our Skills – Making Fenestration a Career of Choice is in the final stages of its planning for two industry bespoke careers fairs at the start of March as a part of National Careers Week.

The two events will feature over 30 of the industry’s best known names who are aiming to talk to over 1,000 students about 50 careers that are available if they look at the Fenestration, Glass and Glazing sector as their career of choice.

So what do we need you to do?

Building Our Skills has opened a GoFundMe page to raise money to hire minibuses and coaches to help those schools who do not have their own transport to come along and learn about the industry.

All donations, whether £5 personally, or a corporate donation will be hugely welcome and greatly appreciated.

To make a donation click here

To learn more about the two pilot events that Building Our Skills is promoting and is then looking to roll out across other areas of the country, click here

Thank you, let’s show what a supportive industry ours is, and let’s do what we can to get youngsters hearing about, and understanding the fantastic opportunities that the Fenestration, Glass and Glazing industry can offer to meet their career ambitions.

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