Fenestration, Glass and Glazing – 50 Careers in one day

Having announced its intention to launch a series of bespoke industry careers fairs in 2024, Building Our Skills – Making Fenestration, Glass and Glazing a Career of Choice has now formally launched its ‘Career Families’ to help students understand the many career options open to them as they get closer to the world of work.

The nine ‘families’ together encompass over 100 individual roles, demonstrating career progression opportunities, training, qualifications and how students can start out on their career journeys in the industry.

For teachers, parents and students who want more information about the ‘families’ and the roles they include, simply email sayhello@buildingourskills.co.uk and ask for details.

The Career Families will be showcased in person at pilot events to be held in March 2024 as a part of National Careers Week. The first will be in South Yorkshire at the Oakwell Stadium, home of Barnsley FC, and the second in Manchester at the Etihad Stadium, home of Manchester City Football Club. Building Our Skills is working in conjunction with the education bodies in South Yorkshire and Greater Manchester to bring these events to fruition.

Speaking about the events, Mark Handley, Building Our Skills’ Partnerships Manager said:

“Our aim is to show the industry to over 1,000 school children and their teachers over the course of the two events. If the two pilots are successful, these will become annual events enabling us to keep in touch with those who attend as they get closer to thinking about their careers. It is also our intention to expand the number of events into other areas of the country where we are already working with other local education authorities, but of course, the launch of the Careers Families is an important step on the road to show students the opportunities that are available to them.”

Web: https://buildingourskills.co.uk/

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