Certass is proud to report on the successful conclusion of the Building Safety Regulator (BSR) Conference 2024, held at the NEC in Birmingham. As the only organisation in the glazing industry with a unique position at the heart of the competence conversation, we are thrilled to highlight the significant strides made in enhancing competence within the building safety sector

Competence at the Heart of Discussions

With Jon Vanstone, our Chair, leading the Industry Competence Committee (ICC), Certass is uniquely positioned to influence and drive the competence agenda across the built environment. Vanstone’s dual role as Chair of both Certass and the ICC highlights our pivotal position in promoting and communicating the standards of competence.

Key Highlights from the BSR Conference 2024

1. Introduction to the Role of the ICC: The conference commenced with an in-depth presentation on the ICC’s role in improving industry competence. Jon Vanstone, in his capacity as ICC Chair, detailed the committee’s objectives, which include setting clear industry standards and guiding professionals on effective implementation practices.

2. Future Pathways for Registered Building Inspectors (RBIs): A dedicated panel discussion explored the future steps for RBIs in maintaining and enhancing their competence. Emphasis was placed on the importance of Continuing Professional Development (CPD), structured peer reviews, and the introduction of modern apprenticeships to foster practical learning and mentorship.

3. Competence in Practice: Another critical session explored the practical aspects of competence. Discussions highlighted the necessity for ongoing CPD, real-time performance monitoring, and periodic internal audits to ensure continuous professional growth and adherence to regulatory standards.

4. Evolution of the Competent Person Scheme System: The conference also addressed recent developments in the Competent Person Scheme System, focusing on ensuring that industry professionals are adequately assessed and qualified to meet stringent regulatory requirements.

Jon Vanstone’s Leadership in Competence

Jon’s leadership has been instrumental in steering the conversation on competence. His extensive experience in the glazing industry, coupled with his role at the ICC, has enabled Certass to be at the forefront of these critical discussions. We are committed to leveraging this unique position to enhance industry standards and ensure the safety and integrity of building practices.

Certass: Leading the Way

As the only organisation in the glazing industry with this unparalleled influence, Certass is dedicated to championing the cause of competence. Our involvement in the BSR Conference 2024 reaffirms our commitment to upholding the highest standards of professionalism and safety within the industry.

We will continue to communicate our insights and share knowledge with our members.

For more information on the outcomes of the BSR Conference 2024 and our focus on competence, please contact Certass.

Web: https://www.certass.co.uk/

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