
We are going to have the last budget before the upcoming election on Wednesday, and I’m sure many in the window industry will be looking to the Government for some much welcome support. Like the car industry and boiler industry, there has been a concerted effort on the Government’s petitions website for Number 10 to implement a similar scheme to gove the double glazing industry a boost.

However, I fear that not enough of us went on and signed the petition. Out of the tens of thousands that work in this industry, only 4367 people actually put their name down. This is a very poor showing, and just proves that the window industry remains splintered and lathargic when it comes to putting our collective weight behind things which can improve the sector we work in.

Alistar Darling has already said that the upcoming budget is not going to be a ‘give-away’ budget, but one that is sensible and one that is designed to secure the economic recovery. Sounds promising, but we need to be hearing of more support for the contruction and green industries.

Wishlist: 5%/0% VAT on energy ‘A’ rated windows.
                 Scrappage scheme.
No how likely do you think these things are?!