We have had a bit of bad news over the last week. First the confirmation that Britain is back in recession (though I would like to add that we won’t in recession for long), and then we got news that a big window company in Devon, Launa Windows, has gone into administration. Demonstrating that market conditions are still choppy and much hard work is still to be done.

However, I think that these latest bits of news doesn’t represent the industry as a whole. All the way through the year so far, there have been reports of strong growth from all parts of our industry and indications that things might be starting to improve. Personally, I haven’t had as many reports of companies going bust, which when you consider that January and February is the worst time for our industry is good news indeed. Whether your in manufacturing or installing, the news has been generally positive.

From our perspective, things are going quite nicely. In fact we reached our end of June Quarter 2 targets on Tuesday! That not gives us 22 weeks to reach the end of September targets. Hopefully we won’t need that many weeks. Either we’ve set our targets too low or we are selling more than expected. I would put it down to the latter because I looked at last years figures and then the predictions for this years and what was expected of the industry and I think the estimates were fair.

Other installers that I follow on Twitter have also reported record months and increased levels compared to the year previous. This is why I believe that this recession will only be a mini one. Economic conditions aren’t that bad, well, not as bad as 2009. Our industry is putting up a fight as well as others. We have to just keep this positive vibe going and get Britain back on the path of robust growth and prosperity!

Would like to hear some feedback about how your businesses are doing so far this year!