It seems hard to believe but we are already at the end of another month. Today is Halloween so forgive me for slipping in a few scarily thought out puns throughout this post!
It’s frightening to think how quickly time seems to have gone so far this year. It only seems like last month we were all discussing the launch of the Green Deal and how sceptical we all were about the whole thing actually working. And true to predictions, it has proved a massive flop from start to finish in 2013. The Government have completely ignored industry and it’s own research and pressed ahead with a scheme which has possibly become one of the biggest policy failures of this Government so far.
But on a far more positive note, it seems that just like last year, the industry is experiencing a very strong late finish to the year. The last 6 months of 2012 saw many companies proclaiming that it had made 2012 one of the best years since pre-recession year from 2008 onwards. And I have a feeling that some companies are going to be soon announcing that 2013 will become a record year.
I see that @MarkWarren3 has been talking about the extra 155 customers they brought on board in 2013, adding an extra near-£500k to turnover. This is great news. Also that @StJohnsWindows has been saying that he has never experienced a year like this so far. Our own business is currently in the grips of a very strong finish and we hope that it will make 2013 another year to shout about.
I don’t want to make this much of a review post, as I plan to do a big one at the end of this year. This is more of a post to recognise the speed at which this year has gone.
It has been a year in which we have all worked very hard to make the very most of the green shoots of the economic recovery. By no means is the UK back at a full pace. We are still very much in recovery mode, trying to undo the damage that the recession caused. But is these early stages that every industry needs to pounce on. We need to nurture it, look after it and then make the very most out of it we can, so as to advance the economic recovery and in turn boost our own businesses. 2013 so far has been a year where we could finally wave goodbye to the long and depressing hard-years, and hello to something with a bit more of a sunnier disposition.
Turns out I couldn’t fit that many Halloween puns in!
As always, all comments welcome in the section below!
The year has been very strong for us so far on trade and retail alike. We have doubled our number of fabricators.