It’s finally happening!

A little while ago, well, about a year ago now, you may remember that I was floating around with the idea of building a consume section within Double Glazing Blogger.

There was a growing number of emails being sent to me by consumers asking various things about the industry, asking for tips, advice, who to use etc. The site was growing beyond industry readers and finding it’s way on to the screens of a growing number of home owners.

So with the site expanding beyond the boundaries of the industry, I thought it might be about time to build a section of the site aimed at servicing home owners, and not just the people of the industry. But I didn’t want to rush such a thing.

I’ve written and created a site for the industry, but had not yet tackled anything consumer facing. This meant I had to take my time. I needed to understand what home owners wanted to see. Know how that part of the site wanted to look. So for the past year I have been playing around with layouts in my head and on screen, trying to see what would work best. Some ideas worked, some did not. But now I feel I’m at a stage where I can start to put the main page of the consumer site together, and then build on it from there.

I have started work on the main home page of DGB Consumer. I’ve gone for a modern, but simply layout. I want this area of the site to be as easy as possible to navigate. In fact it’s almost finished. Just a few tweaks and additions to make to it, and then I can start to expand the whole area from there.

I am aiming for DGB Consumer to be complete and ready to go live by August 3rd, if not earlier. I have resources kindly donated by Roseview Windows and Gardinia which will form part of the new resource. And the version that goes live won’t be finished. I’ll be added and expanding the whole consumer section as time goes by. This will be some good foundations on which to build what I hope will become a popular resource for home owners across the UK.

While I’m putting it together I would love to hear your suggestions for DGB Consumer. Using the comments section below let me know what you think I should be including on the site. I welcome all input and if I feel your suggestions fit in with the ethos of the site, I will include. Also, if you feel you would be able to contribute to the site by providing information, infographics, text, videos or anything else, please email me on

I’m looking forward to launching this part of the website, and all feedback once it is live is very welcome.

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