
At the end of the day I decided to take a look at last year’s figures, more specifically the period of January to October of 2009 and this year. It most definately has been a much better year this time round

We have increased sales by just a tad over 50%, and as of this week we have now already sold more so far this year than in the whole of last year. After such progress you can understand why we don’t want any bumps in the road that could potentially derail the upward trend, hence the nervousness of the upcoming spending review.

From what I can gather, we aren’t the only ones that have managed to brush off the dust of the recession. SunShield down in Exeter have managed 65% growth so far this year. Due to this we thought we’d have ourselves a little game. Who ever manages the best growth at the end of the year wins, we just need to figure out what the prize should be at the end! All suggestions welcome!