
For those who haven’t already seen, I’ve added a new page called ‘Images’. I thought it might be interesting to see a slideshow of the images I’ve used on the blog. Most are of either the last severe winter and this one, pictures of installations we’ve done, and the odd image embedded in blog posts.

I’m always looking at ways for readers to do more on the site, so I saw this as a way in which they could spend more time on here.

Also, there’s a bit of information about Yale’s Keyless entry on the Gossip page. They’re stopping selling the polished chrome and gold handles due to problems with the salt spray tests. Replacing the gold and chrome is a matt grey/silver colour. It looks OK, not as nice as the chrome in my opinion. But the big issue is that as of yet, there is no plan to bring out a suited hardware option so that the handle matches a letter box, numerals or hinges. The changing of the handle colour isn’t the problem, the matching of the hardware is.

UPDATE: 16:45pm
After a meeting with our suppliers this afternoon, the polished chrome and gold options are now being reinstated. They have managed to find a supplier within the UK who can supply Yale with the quality and quantity of chrome and gold plating that they require. This now rules out the matt silver finish and the connecting problem of matching hardware.