I’m reluctant to say that these job losses are a reaction/punishment for the strikes actually taking place. More likely it is the harsh economic environment that every window company is having to battle through in order to keep surviving. And in order to survive, tough measures sometimes have to be taken, hence these redundancies.
It can be argued that the last few months have been tough for both DB Glass and Total Window Systems. The strike last month managed to attract the attention of the local BBC stations. Of course it was covered on this site too, with probably much less of an impact! Staff during that time were able to make it clear that they were thoroughly unhappy, something which any business tried hard to avoid. These job losses only ensure the troubling times continue for a little while longer.
As always, I welcome comments, reactions or any further information from both the company and it’s staff, if they wish to air their views.
>Self inflicted. Economic conditions are tough enough as it is without your workforce going on strike. These employees should have been thankful to even have a job during these hard times. Chances are because of these strikes, orders not being fullfilled, customers being let down that the company will have lost valuable business requiring these job losses to take place.
>Anonymous these are not self inflicted. They are the result of continually poorly managed site. These 19 redundancies folllow the 20 12-week contract and agency guys that were laid off on the 21st of December. What sort of management forecasts as too future orders,have been made when you suddenly have to shed 39 staff (out of around 150) within 28 days. The words organise and brewery come too mind. Oh yes im lucky to have a job, where the amount of strains and back injuries is high, where its normal practice in the 21st century to have bully boy shopfloor… Read more »
>"TWS Insider"
And it's that type of attitude which is helping flush TWS down the toilet.
You dont know whats going on at TWS Paignton. You guess. I am lucky I dont have a job working anywhere near you.
You are a typical Tory chinless wonder,who has never said no to a boss in your life.
>So you are being asked to be more efficient, what's wrong with that??
>More efficiency linked with a proper reward is not a problem at all.
You conviently keep forgeting we have shown pay restraint for 3 years and us poor souls on the night shift have lost our premium which in effect is a 16% pay cut.
Anyway I am now TWS Outsider as I haven taken the redundancy. Would you like to bet the night shift will not vanish very shortly and the site is further wound down.
Good luck to my former shopfloor colleagues they are going to need it.
I have crossed the floor so too speak. I can now reveal that I was the Union Representaive for the nightshift at TWS. Also a member of the wage negotiating team hence I REALLY KNEW what was happening there and not guessing.
I hope you will wish me good fortune in my new career anonymous. As I have now resumed my long dormant sales career and have become a salesman for a leading replacement window company.