As part of this week’s recognition of DGB reaching five years old, this post is going to list the top 5 most read posts of all time. This breakdown has been worked out based on the number of page views each post has received. However, you’ll notice that I’m not listing the number of page views. The main reason for this is that there is a large difference between WordPress stats and Google’s Analytics. So for now, I’ll just be listing them 1-5. Here we go…

5. PVCu vs Aluminium

This was a post written on the back of a debate (sometimes heated!) between myself and some of the other major tweeters on the virtues of PVC and aluminium. I was very much in the PVC camp, whilst others were in the aluminium camp. It attracted 25 comments and plenty of talk on Twitter too.

The PVC vs Aluminium post was originally made live on April 18th 2012, nearly two years ago and has made it to fifth in the list of all time read posts on DGB.

You can read the post in full here:

4. Uniglaze Go Into Administration

Written at a time when the industry was still figuring out if more positive times were on the horizon, the story of Uniglaze going into administration was a well conversed story. Just as things seemed to be getting better, the loss of this company reminded us that trading was still tough out there.

Reaction to this story was huge, with a massive 99 comments on this post so far. There was a struggle for more information on the issue as staff were trying to find out more through this site about the developing situation. I tried to post what I could, but I felt for some that the dribs and drabs I had weren’t enough.

Originally posted on October 15th 2012, this post is the fourth most read, although it was close between this and the PVC vs Aluminium post. You can read the original post, and (if you can be bothered) the 99 comments here:

3. Lock Snapping Makes BBC Appearance

I don’t often go into much detail about the locks side of our industry. It’s an area I am not all that well versed on so tend not to veer too much into those waters. However, at the time UAP was a sponsor of the site and locks, especially the issue of lock snapping was a much talked about issue.

The post actually garnered a massive 84 comments. Most of these however were involved in a very long and heated debate between the MD of UAP and Peter of Avocet. Seeing two bosses go at it on DGB was fun for me to facilitate, and when you look past the anger and passion, what it did demonstrate at that point was how passionate these two companies were about the problem of lock snapping. Both businesses are doing what they think is best to try and keep the burglars out.

That conversation, and the spectators it drew at the time, has meant this post takes the bronze medal position in most read posts on DGB. You can read the original post, as well as that great UAP vs Avocet debate here:

2. Solidor At Odds With Door-Stop

Now this was a great post to write as the post covered the debate between two of the biggest titans of the composite market, Gareth Mobley of Solidor and Nick Dutton of Door-Stop.

The debate was sparked by comments on the Fenestration News website by Nick Dutton which clearly explained his views about the state of the panels market and where it’s future lies. As far as I could tell at the time, this point of view flew right in the face of a business like Solidor who still had very much an active presence in the panels sector. And Gareth Mobley did indeed pen a response to Nick’s original statement.

Now the difference between this post and the lock snapping one in third is very small, and a few page views either way and the two could have been swapped. But I believe that the debate between such two high profile names in the industry is what got people interested. Interestingly, this post only had 9 comments at the time, far lower than I thought it would have.

You can read those comments and the original statement from the two composite door bosses here:

1. Tackling The Trickle Vent Issue

Coming in first, and by a long way, is a post which I never in a million years thought people would find interesting! Trickle vents. This post was written on November 25th 2009, so it’s a little while ago now. But I in all honesty never expected this post to take first place in the most read posts. But it has, and it did it by a long way.

I think the only thing I can put it down to is that it is very well picked up by the search engines. So when consumers or other industry folk are doing a bit of research about trickle vents, this post might come up.

Not many comments on this one either, just 16. Lets face it, there’s only so much you can say about trickle vents! So, bit of an anti-climax. I’m sure many of you were expecting a post a bit more interesting than this, but there’s nothing I can do about that I’m afraid! If you want to read the original post again, follow this link:

I think one thing I can take personally from this list is that product specific posts tend to get more views. We have PVC, aluminium, composite doors, panel doors and trickle vents in this top 5 and they probably appear far better in Google search rankings than more generic industry issues that most outside the industry won’t be too bothered about.

Anyway, this is DGB’s top 5 most read posts of all time. Like the posts? Do you think a different post should have come higher up in the list? All comments as always welcome in the section below.