The price of our wares is probably the most constantly debated and talked about subject within out industry, especially when it comes to the installation sector dealing with homeowners. We see opposing sides everywhere, from adverts offering solid roofs at £2000 to doors being sold at upwards of £9000. When it comes to social media, there are plenty that advocate the higher end of the price bracket, and plenty that show off offers and adverts displaying lower than market average doors and all other means of products.
Debate often rages on Twitter about the pros and cons of both sides of this argument. But with only 140 characters at our disposal, debate is stifled and sometimes mis-read. So I want to open this topic up properly and find out what the industry really thinks about price and which side of the argument is the more legitimate.
So here’s the plan. I have a live page function on this site which I am going to put to good use. On Thursday 28th May I will be setting up a live page on DGB which will open with arguments from the sides that are pro-high end and pro-budget. I shall be writing the pro-high end and quality argument as many will already know that I am firmly on that side of the fence. I’ll be getting another industry voice to write the other side of the argument. From there, I am inviting all of you to then take part. You’ll be able to tweet to join in the debate using the #dgbdebates hashtag and your tweets will be streamed live on the live page on this site for everyone to see. You’ll also be able to add comments to the live page from the page itself.
But what’s the point? Well, we have these debates as I’ve said, on social media but the restrictions stifle the debate. Having this facility to expand the debate and really make the expansive points we all want to make but can’t. It may even help certain people and business decide which way their business needs to go. I want people to join in the debate and feel like they have not only contributed, but taken something away from it themselves.
From there, this first debate will then turn to a second on the reputation of the industry. It will challenge the perception that the rogue tag the industry has is all down to the people selling PVCu windows and doors to homeowners. It will also try and figure what the best way is to change and improve the reputation. Next on the list after that will be sales tactics. I’m hoping we can help get a semi-regular stream of on-point debates going and see if we can improve things along the way.
I hope that you’ll all take part on Thursday May 28th!
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