On Thursday night I entered into a Twitter conversation with a guy from Scotland who a few days before posed the questions as to why he wasn’t able to find guide prices for windows and doors on companies websites. I attempted to explain the ins and outs of why and how, whether it worked or not I don’t know. But it does beg the question, why isn’t there any guideline prices?
Cars, homes and other big ticket items
When you’re in the market for other big ticket purchases, like cars, holidays etc it is easy to go online and find prices and even buy the product online as well. So why is it that you can’t do so for windows and doors?
To be fair, there are sites out there which do advertise door prices up front online. Former DGB sponsors Value Doors UK do that on their site do that and seems to be quite successful for them. But when it comes to windows, there is very little pricing information on the web.
There are sites which claim to give prices, but they tend to be price engines which combine loads of prices to give an average, not a specific price according to a specific product.
I think the realities and character of the industry are the reason why prices haven’t made it online. We’re a very closed type of industry, where prices are kept on quotes in people’s homes rather than in the public domain. Companies aren’t that keen on showing their prices to the competitors. Probably because there is a high degree of undercutting and there will be a fear that the competition will try and out-price each other.
Another reason may be the fact that our products, especially windows, are made to measure. To create an accurate and highly customisable pricing engine takes a lot of man hours and a lot of cash too.
There is so much choice, so many options, so many variations, that the time and money it would take for most installers to create price engines for homeowners online wouldn’t justify the benefits they would bring. So it’s easier to ask customers to come to the showroom or arrange home visits to figure out what is required, then price that up instead.
You can understand why people might wonder why window and doors prices aren’t easy to find online, especially when you can find the prices of pretty much every other product imaginable on the web. But the nature of the industry and how it behaves, as well the plethora of options combined with the fact that small changes in sizes can affect price, means that in all likelihood online prices aren’t going to become the norm.
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Its an interesting topic and one that many will have a view on. The local area you work in will greatly affect prices. We know there are regional price fluctuations but also differing wages and labour rates between the north and south. Its not right but its how it is. All affect the final price of a product making an RRP hard to do. There are prices available on the web, albeit not representative. There are many websites that claim to get you four or so quotes and find you the cheapest price. Most of us are not in the… Read more »
I agree, Window and Door prices can not be standardised as most are purpose made. Product specifications and quality are impossible to match. (Why some companies offer “will match price for the same product” impossible to match) It is up to the sales person to pickup when safety glass required (extra cost) make sure opening ventilation is correct and trickle vents are replaced etc. etc. Regulation have made the glazing industry far to complicated to price correctly on line. I would hate to visit a client who had obtained price on line and then advise you have done this wrong,… Read more »
There will never be standardised prices for windows and doors. The reason being the “big boys” such as Anglian and Everest wouldn’t get one phone call if they listed the cost of a composite door as being £2000. They want to keep their prices a mystery until they have a salesperson in the customers home. That’s when the hard sell and often shameful practices occur
Very often when companies do list consumer prices they’re “from…”. And quite often these “from” prices are not realistic in the real world, because they don’t include any of the stuff that consumers would actually want or need (small print saying “fitting into prepared openings” anyone?). In other words, the prices published are just there to entice people in rather than actually inform customers. Because of this, if prices were published across the board I’m not sure how useful they would actually be. And if they’re not going to be useful, why do it at all? If anything, it could… Read more »
Hi Mike
Thanks for your comment.
Totally agree with your points. The “from” bit is very true. Enticing prices in the beginning, just for them to rise, often by a lot, by the time a final quotation is put forward. I don’t think the industry will ever get to a point where standardised pricing will ever become a thing. It won’t be good for the industry, as you say.
Standard prices? No problem, as soon as someone invents a “Standard Installation Scenario” oh yes, and the honest buyer. The moment I post prices, the complaints will start. “They gave me one price and when they got here they had all kinds of reasons why I have to pay more. I think they are taking advantage of (old people, women, etc.) I’m filing a complaint!” The aggressive competitor will use my price list to make his sale. There isn’t one of you in the business, that when the prospect is on the fence with price concerns, won’t point at the… Read more »