I don’t want to tempt fate here, but has everyone noticed that the steady stream of price increase letters from suppliers seems to have dried up a little?
During the spring and early summer installation companies were inundated almost every week with letters from suppliers explaining how costs were going up. Glass suppliers were the worst offenders, as were Pilkington, with regular increases on the price of their insulating glass of 10-40%.
I’m wondering if the price increases have plateaued somewhat. We haven’t had any at our place for a month or two, which based on the regularity of previous increase letters, does seem quite a while.
There was a huge fear back in the spring that the plethora of price increases were going to cripple businesses into shutting their doors, but up to now I haven’t heard any reports of mass bankruptcies and closures.
I don’t doubt though that the increases felt over the last 18 months will have had some impact on businesses. Margins will have been squeezed ever further, redundancies will have been made, making trading ever harder.
During the spring and early summer installation companies were inundated almost every week with letters from suppliers explaining how costs were going up. Glass suppliers were the worst offenders, as were Pilkington, with regular increases on the price of their insulating glass of 10-40%.
I’m wondering if the price increases have plateaued somewhat. We haven’t had any at our place for a month or two, which based on the regularity of previous increase letters, does seem quite a while.
There was a huge fear back in the spring that the plethora of price increases were going to cripple businesses into shutting their doors, but up to now I haven’t heard any reports of mass bankruptcies and closures.
I don’t doubt though that the increases felt over the last 18 months will have had some impact on businesses. Margins will have been squeezed ever further, redundancies will have been made, making trading ever harder.
>I didn't find this too bad. I had one off the profile company around 10% the annual Roto & Hoppe 5% and that was it. Steel has gone down by about 5% Glass hasn't moved in price at all and with negotionations a lot of our other prices (utilities, rent, hardware) have gone down too. the only bad offender was deisel.
>Price rises are mainly false, it is a suppliers way of re-aligning how much their customers pay for products. In the last 20 years I have been inundated with price rises but the hard fact is we purchase pvc windows cheaper now than 20 years ago!
Glass is the biggest culprit of these false increases. Pilkington send so many official letters with imminent price rises just to make it look official, double glazed units have only marginally increased in price over the last 20 years.
It's all part of the game!
>as a blending plant operator i can confirm that price increases on resin are stinging alot of extrusion companies,its been rising and rising every month for well over a year now, apart from last month when it stabled for a couple of weeks. the rise is not just in the glass! extrusion companies are going through redundancies and paycuts as we speak and its not just down to the market dropping!