Now that the new site seems to be running fairly smoothly, bar an odd comments problem and few of your not getting daily updates via email, I am now wanting to move onto the next phase of expanding DGB.

Over the past few months, I have been contacted on an increasingly regular basis by consumers. The interaction from the industry has remained steady throughout the past few years. But a feature I have noticed that has increased recently is comments and emails from consumers. These have ranged from items such as emails asking me what material they thought would be best to use for their new windows and doors, complaints about major national companies, questions about more technical aspects of their installations to requests for companies to use in their local areas.

Expanding The Services

Given the rising amount of attention the site is now getting from the general public, it is hard for me to continue to run this site without having a dedicated section just for consumers. To be honest this does surprise me as DGB has always been a very industry related website with almost all interaction coming from you guys. But I guess as the site has grown over the years it was only a matter of time before some consumers were going to find it. And now more and more are using DGB to find information to their window and door matters.

So I’m going to start to build a dedicated consumer focused section to the site. This new area of DGB is intended to provide passing consumers with advice, hints and tips if they are looking into buying new windows and doors themselves. But not only that, I want the new consumer section to be a place where people can feel free to ask a fenestration related question and hopefully be answered by some of the experts of the industry that visit DGB. I want the consumer section to be a place to help educate people and give them a better understanding of how our industry works. I still believe very little is known about how our sector works, but the more understanding we give, perhaps the better we can work with the general public.

It won’t be just a place to search for advice and ask questions, but I want the consumer section to be a place where home owners can feel free to post comments about their experience both good and bad with our industry. In the past I have received quite a few emails from disgruntled customers who have been unhappy and want to share their poor experience. There aren’t many dedicated places to do that for our industry, so DGB could provide that source to vent.

Over the next few days and weeks I’m going to be building a resource behind the construction window you will have seen during the construction of this new site. The ideas mentioned above are just some of my ideas to contribute to a consumer section. I would also love to hear from you and tell me what you would like to see in a dedicated consumer guide.

Over time it will grow. I’ll start small and let it grow naturally as I start to add more information and resources to it. And hopefully some of you will help contribute to that to help it become a great hub for people to refer to when they have window and door needs.

As always, all comments welcome in the section below.