
  1.  Take care of the customer.
  2.  Take care of the customer.
  3.  Take care of the customer.

The most simple rule in business, and yet most companies, particularly some in our industry, disregard this most important of practices.

The disregard for this rule is the reason why the double glazing industry has such a tarnished reputation. When most people think of double glazing companies or salesmen, they immediately have the image of a sleazy, untrustworthy, unreliable outfit. This is due to companies’ bad handling of customers in all departments.

We have a policy of making sure that the customer is informed at all times. Even if a minute detail has changed with the order, the fitting date, product spec etc, the customer is always contacted and made aware of what has been altered. And if it’s a problem, we work with them to make sure satisfactory arrangements are made. All the time we get comments from our customers telling us how pleased they are with the customer service they have received.

And that is the key, provide first class customer service, and everything will run smoothly from there on in. If the lamer parts of our industry took note of the three points above, we could ditch the tarnished image and attain a friendlier, more approachable one. From little seeds grow mighty trees!

SIGN THE WINDOWS SCRAPPAGE SCHEME PETITION NOW!: http://www.petitions.number10.gov.uk/windowscrappage