The most likely scenario when it comes to energy efficiency is a customer will go into a showroom and get a demonstration from a salesman. He’ll show them the usual, locks, profile types, colours, security etc and then briefly touch energy efficiency, he might even tell them the rating their windows have. If the customers is switched on he/she will ask what is the difference between an ‘A’ rated window to an ‘E’ rated window. Thats when reps should be able to impress the customer with their expert knowledge of what makes their window so efficient. If he can, good start, but it’s nowhere near the end of what he should be telling the customer. From there he needs to be telling the customer/s all the potential benefits energy efficient windows could bring to them. It’s also an opportunity to upsell. If the customer that has come in only wants to replace the front of their house, there is instantly an argument for replacing the back.
When we face that scenario, the amount of customers that go from replacing a few windows to all of them is huge. If they see an opportunity to claw back some of the money they spend on extra windows through lower energy bills, you’ve immediately got their attention. We also have a CD where if we get certain details about the customer’s property we can give them an estimation of how much money and CO2 they could save over the course of a year. What does also help is if you fit energy rated windows as standard. We made the decision over a year ago to sell ‘A’ rated windows as standard. We managed to negotiate with our suppliers and we have not looked back since. But being able to sell ‘A’ rated windows as standard, and genuinely, not dressed up as an offer, has also been a huge benefit.
Personally, I can’t see why others are still selling ‘C’ or ‘B’ rated windows when ‘A’ rated windows cost hardly anything, if any, extra. But, for now, we’ll be happy to keep that advantage over others!
>DGB – I was speaking with our sealed unit manufacturer and he said less than 20% of his production was 'warm edge'. To me this suggests, 20% are energy rated windows (and most of those units were going to Conservatory Outlet dealers).
The reality is the majority of installers are not installing ER windows. How the industry will be ready for October I've no idea!
>Quite simply it won't be. I can envisage more bankruptcies. To be fair, how many times have I said people need to move to WER's, even last year I was saying that it was important to start selling WER's. But you can only say it so many times…
>2 things maybe worth noting ,
1 if you are selling A rated windows as a window that gains more heat than it loses, then you ARE misselling to the customer.
2..you are making the assumption that WER's will be the only method of compliance to the building regs
how can you tell the difference between A and B rated windows