Firstly, we are going to start using a new IT package which will allow us to price on laptops, or in this case an iPad. But there will be also online updates, again which the iPad can take advantage of. And because the iPad is an impressively quick device, pricing should take no time at all.
Then there is the demo itself. I could show DVD’s, but also pictures. I’ve looked into the iPad’s picture abilities and they are fantastic. Swapping pictures is immediate and can be done with just a swich on the screen. And the resolution is very high quality, so the pictures we show will be crystal clear.
We use our own folders for demonstrations, going through with them page by page. I’m wondering how easy it would be to let them hold the device and flick through the same pages but on the crystal clear screen. Obviously I couldn’t leave it with them, but would it be a more modern way of doing a demo, or just over complicating the issue with the need of wanting a new device for the sake of it?
>laptops have been doing it for years lol. get ipad when its on version 3 . it will probably be sorted by then
>Good point above!!
But stay ahead of the compition, therefore, get using it as soon as possible. Laptops are alright, but if you show up and show images and videos of your products…your show room..and price lists quickly and easily…impressive for the customer? I would think so ;)
Also, it show you dont cut costs and more worried about the customers belief in your company, your brand and the product your selling.
Go for it…its only like buying a IPOD and a laptop but its put into a nice shiny, sexy looking piece of kit!!
>That's the way I was thinking. if the iPad can quickly show the customer the images they want, it can only be helpful. I think it would look quite impressive in front of the customer. Just have to hope it's reliable!