Just before Xmas last year I changed my red Grande Punto 1.2 Activ (basic model), to a 1 year old, Grande Punto 1.4 turbo, top of the range model, and it’s absolutely gulping petrol! At the miniute I’m putting in £25 every 4-5 days! This is not a sustainable way of driving!
So, Im seriously thinking of a hybrid for my next car. You all probably know what I think about the impending oil crisis, so based on that, and the fact that petrol prices will probably too high to pay in a few years time, a hybrid car seems the logical option. However, there are only a few options out there, mostly only Toyotas and Hondas, neither of which I’m too keen on. But I have to put that aside and make running costs the main factor when choosing a car.
Can anyone recommend any good hybrids out there? The only sticking point is that I can’t actually swap the car for another 2 years, but there’s no harm in planning ahead!