I’m always looking at ways I can improve the site. Whether it be the looks of the web page, features that I put on like the search box and the Page Views counter, or the simplicity of the navigation. But up to press I’ve only ever gone on what I think. So if any of you have any ideas on what I could be doing differently on the site I’d like you to tell me so that I can keep on improving it.
>Use AWeber (or similar system) so people can subscribe to your posts – then people will be reminded you're there every time you post something.
>You know I knew you were going to say that! I looked into it and didn't want to pay for a service that if I put a little elbow grease into it, I'd increase traffic to my site, without paying AWeber to do it for me. Unless I've been looking at it wrong!
>OK, but it is the main reason why my site gets a few regular visitors. But, it's up to you.
>Get rid of the black background – its harder to read than black type on a white (or light) background – so people stay longer.
>Thanks Alex, I'll have a look into it as see what looks good!
>RCG – I've looked at my returning v new visitor numbers and two thirds of all visitors always return back to my site, which I don't think is bad to say I don't have an AWeber account set up. I know Twitter helps me a lot too.
>Hve you devolped external condensation on your new page DGB
>Yeah it's a pain! New Blogger regulations state that each persons blog must emit a B-Value of 50% brightness or better. But unlike windows getting it in the winter, I get it all the time!
I do genuinely like this look better, think it's a bit more mature than the previous two black themes.