At a time when living costs are rising at an alarming rate, raw material costs have never been so high and when peoples spending power has been severely reduced, has triple glazing arrived in the market at the wrong time?
The benefits are obvious, they achieve a U-value that current A rated double glazed windows can’t do at the moment. But there will obviously be a price different between the double and triple glazed options, and this may be hard to push. Given the choice between a very good A rated double glazed window and a triple glazed one, it may be difficult to justify to the customer why they need to spend more on shaving off a few fractions from the U-value.
And just a point on the new triple glazing website using super heroes as a way to promote the product. I can understand the novelty of the idea, but personally I wouldn’t have used something which does seem a little gimmicky to push what is a very new and high end product. I would have gone down the luxury and high end road, but that’s just my opinion.
I still think that the energy efficiency of standard double glazed windows will improve further, and if this is the case, this will add to the argument of not paying more for an extra pane of glass just to slice of a bit more for the U-value.
Don’t get me wrong, I do think the idea of the triple glazing is one that will work for the industry, just maybe not now when people’s purses are squeezed tighter than ever.
The benefits are obvious, they achieve a U-value that current A rated double glazed windows can’t do at the moment. But there will obviously be a price different between the double and triple glazed options, and this may be hard to push. Given the choice between a very good A rated double glazed window and a triple glazed one, it may be difficult to justify to the customer why they need to spend more on shaving off a few fractions from the U-value.
And just a point on the new triple glazing website using super heroes as a way to promote the product. I can understand the novelty of the idea, but personally I wouldn’t have used something which does seem a little gimmicky to push what is a very new and high end product. I would have gone down the luxury and high end road, but that’s just my opinion.
I still think that the energy efficiency of standard double glazed windows will improve further, and if this is the case, this will add to the argument of not paying more for an extra pane of glass just to slice of a bit more for the U-value.
Don’t get me wrong, I do think the idea of the triple glazing is one that will work for the industry, just maybe not now when people’s purses are squeezed tighter than ever.
>Hi there Mr Glazing Blogger
We clearly think you're wrong at the moment, so we ask you to reconsider your position.
We challenge you to be a Superhero too:
This is your chance to be a leader too!
>Totally agree that its very tacky advertising for a high end product. Not a very good start if you are going to be pushing this hard
I think the true inner self is coming out in this one, they do seem to think there super human,trying to be one step ahead.
First it was renegade now this how does there minds work. We all know what happened when the glovers got involved with glass last time, not even the super hero's could save them from that.
>There is evidence that triple glazing can deliver U-values that double glazing cannot compete with, and in many countries (such as Norway, Finland etc) where the climate gets colder than here in the UK, triple glazing is a no brainer. We do agree that in the UK, our tempretures are not so varied, and because of this, the real monetary savings associated with triple glazing over double glazing is not as great, which means as a consumer, you have a far longer return on investment. However, the bigger benefit for triple glazing in this country for the consumer is comfort.… Read more »
>To me it seems like its going down the Razo route, "why have three blades when you can have four"?
Six months later "why have four blades when you can have 5"? etc
an extra pane is one more thing to go wrong, the more parts there are the bigger the opportunity for quality to suffer. (Plus i load them and they are bloody heavy!!)