Sometimes the most common problems are solved by the simplest methods and tools. One of the fiddliest parts of my job is measuring cylinders for when we replace insecure Europrofile locks for high security anti-everything cylinders. Up to now I have used either my tape measure, or sent out one of our guys like we would on survey. But UAP have sent me something which makes my life a little bit easier:

It’s a cylinder gauge. As you can see in the first image, the gauge comes in an air-fix type piece set. You just pop the individual sections out, there’s only 3 of them, and they all slide together nicely.

The centre point of the gauge slots in the head of the retaining screw and you just slide the two main measuring pointers across to the edges of the cylinder to get the correct measurement. Simple.

I put it together myself in a matter of seconds and measured a cylinder both outside the handle and one fitted in a handle and both got the correct measurements. I gave it to our service engineer who tested it out and he reported positive results. He said: “it’s simple but effective – easy to use.” The feeling around the office was that it would be genuinely useful.

If any of my readers would like a free sample, please contact UAP using the details below and quote: DGBGAUGE!

Contact UAP on their Twitter account, email or Sales on 0161 7967268 to get your hands on one!