There’s never a bad time to have too many leads. Unfortunately, with the economy being as unpredictable as it is, the stream of leads can either be fast flowing, or a totally dried up river bed with nothing to show for it.

So to stop those lean lead periods it’s wise to have a back-up in place. In this case, Quotatis. Quotatis are Europe’s biggest lead generation company with one of their main aims being to help improve standards in the double glazing industry and to try and help shake off the cowboy image a few have unfortunately adorned the rest of us with.

Quotatis use their own unique pay-as-you-go system. The whole point behind this is that rather than paying for leads in one go; you can pay for leads as and when you need them. You get to manage your costs better, so no big hits on your bank balance.

Lead generation companies do often get some negative press. But a lot of the time it comes down to the salesman or company’s ability to work the lead. Quotatis have a quality control system in place to make sure that the leads made available are independently verified and not just your typical tyre kickers wandering in off the street!

If you think Quotatis could help your business, contact them on Twitter: @Quotatis, call on 08448 044 344 or visit