Energy efficiency

>Uni-Blinds And Energy Efficiency

> Well, today the uncertainty of what was classed as energy efficient and what wasn't reared it's head again today, thanks to the chance visit of a FENSA inspector on one of our installations. The topic of Uni-Blinds, the Pellini Italian blinds within double glazed units, came up between one of our installers and a [...]

By |2016-10-24T20:24:37+01:00January 23rd, 2012|Categories: Energy efficiency, energy rated windows, FENSA, needless bureaucracy, Uni-blinds|

>Green Deal Doomed To Fail

>The Green Deal has been on shaky ground ever since the details of the deal have been researched and found to be inconsistent at best. However, the Government's latest set of figures could spell the end for a deal which has had so much lobbying, hours of debate in Parliament, and I'm sure many millions [...]

By |2012-01-13T17:17:00+00:00January 13th, 2012|Categories: banks, double glazing, energy companies, Energy efficiency, energy rated windows, Government, Green Deal, jobs|

>The Green Deal Will Fail

>The Guardian has published an article explaining how the Green Deal will significantly fail to meet up to the targets set by the Government.They claim that out of the 14 million households in need of upgrades, the scheme will only actually reach 2-3 million homes. It get's worse for the Government, as the CCC (Committee [...]

By |2011-12-21T12:04:00+00:00December 21st, 2011|Categories: double glazing industry, Energy efficiency, Green Deal|

>Energy Efficient Windows 2.0?

>Some very smart people in South Korea have produced a new type of 'smart glass', which has the potential be cheaper and be more reliable than the current market offering.How does it work? The glass is laced with a charge counterion polymer, which darkens in seconds when outside air temperatures become high - keeping the [...]

By |2011-09-29T12:59:00+01:00September 29th, 2011|Categories: Energy efficiency, energy rated windows, Glass, renewable energy, smart glass|

>External Condensation Over The Pond

>I was reading an interesting article from about condensation. I was reading to see what reasons they gave and how to go about reducing it. Then this section came up about external condensation:Exterior condensation on windows occurs primarily in the morning when days are warm and humid, but nights are cool. Typically, it clears [...]

By |2010-11-01T14:37:00+00:00November 1st, 2010|Categories: condensation, Energy efficiency, energy rated windows|

>Too Hot

>All the talk at the moment has been about the condensation on the outside of the glass when the weather conditions are cold enough and right, but as we all start to fit more and more energy efficient windows, another problem is going to arise - overheating.All south facing sides are going to experience increased [...]

By |2016-10-24T20:24:46+01:00October 12th, 2010|Categories: double glazing, Energy efficiency, energy rated windows|

>October 1st Changes WILL Go Ahead

>Some of us have thought that the proposed changes to Part L might be postponed to let the rest of the industry get their act together and get themselves ready. But, in a letter to Door-Stop International, Vince Cable has confirmed that it will go ahead on October 1st, with no postponements and no delays. The article [...]

By |2010-08-17T14:32:00+01:00August 17th, 2010|Categories: Energy efficiency, Part F, Part L|

>Green Deal Instead Of Scrappage Scheme

>The petition for a windows scrappage scheme has come to an end, with the Government posting this response:The Government agrees that energy efficiency has an important part to play if we are to achieve our carbon reduction targets. The benefits of energy efficiency for households are clear: saving money on energy bills, reducing reliance on [...]

By |2016-10-24T20:24:48+01:00August 4th, 2010|Categories: economy, Energy efficiency|

>How Much Money Can Energy Rated Windows Actually Save You?

>Every month, more and more marketing materials gets released telling us how much money our customers can save by putting in energy efficient windows. The problem is, every time we get this new material, the numbers are all different!I've had materials telling me customers can save £180, £200, £461, £600 or even £800 a year [...]

By |2010-04-27T12:24:00+01:00April 27th, 2010|Categories: Energy efficiency, energy rated windows, Selling|

>How Many Of You Out There Are Still Selling ‘E’ Rated Windows?

>There are still many in the industry that report that only a quarter, perhaps a third maximum, of all companies are actually actively promoting and selling energy rated windows. We took the decision a while back to sell only 'A' rated windows as standard, which was made easier by our manufacturers dropping the energy rated [...]

By |2010-04-21T22:32:00+01:00April 21st, 2010|Categories: Energy efficiency, energy rated windows, WER's|
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